
Forum Akkreditierung 2022 (Konferenz | Online)

Klinkner & Partner startet am 6. und 7. September 2022 das Online-Forum Akkreditierung. Der Fokus liegt auf den beiden Themen „DAkkS“ und „Labordigitalisierung“. Insgesamt 13 Referent:innen geben Tipps und Hilfen für QM-Fragen, stellen typische Abläufe von Audits und Begutachtungen vor und klären über die Arbeit von und mit der Deutschen Akkreditierungsstelle DAkkS auf. Insgesamt 15…

Wie Sie sich mit einem VoiceBot die Customer Experience versauen. Oder Kunden glücklich machen. (Webinar | Online)

Wie Sie sich mit einem VoiceBot die Customer Experience versauen. Oder Kunden glücklich machen. Ein schlechter VoiceBot kann das Kundenerlebnis ziemlich versauen – ohne, dass die CX-Verantwortlichen etwas davon mitbekommen. Der erste Touchpoint im telefonischen Customer Care sind meist VoiceBots – die häufig vernachlässigt werden und darum eher schlecht als recht funktionieren. Denn in der…

Improvement and Best Practices in E-Procurement Systems (Seminar | Online)

Effective E-Procurement can provide a wide variety of benefits including more efficiency and savings for governments and businesses. The potential cost savings are massive, as stated by the European Commission. In Italy alone, e-procurement systems cut over €3 billion in costs. This Workshop is made for people with advanced knowledge in E-Procurement. During this interactive…

Public Procurement Requirements for ESI Funds (Seminar | Online)

Public Procurement in the EU amounts to €1 trillion. However, the violation of public procurement rules remains one of the main sources of irregularities and fraud in projects co-financed by Structural Funds. The European Commission constantly implements decisions to suspend or interrupt European funding due to the infringements of public procurement procedures. Ensuring correct public…

Essentials of State Aid Law (Seminar | Online)

By joining this Lexxion Training , you will receive a good introduction in the field of State aid. Benefit from our experts and their wide range of experiences and understand among other topics the concept of State aid and application of exemptions such as GBER and de minimis aid. Participants receive a certificate upon participation. Starting from €…

Innovation in Public Procurement & Innovation Partnerships (Seminar | Online)

Public procurement offers a great potential market for innovative products and services. It can help governments boost innovation at both the national and local level and improve productivity and inclusiveness. According to the OECD, 81% of its member countries have developed strategies or policies to support innovative goods and services through public procurement. This hybrid workshop will…

Simplified Cost Options for ESI Funds and AMIF/ISF/BMVI (Seminar | Online)

Since simplification of ESI Funds must be part of an improved management and control system, the use of Simplified Cost Options not only becomes mandatory for projects under EUR 200.000, but above all, it can shift the focus on the results expected from the funding. Therefore, public officials from Managing/Responsible Authorities, from Intermediate Bodies/Delegated Authorities,…

Winter Master Class – “State Aid Uncovered” with Prof. Dr. Phedon Nicolaides (Seminar | Budapest)

The State Aid Master Class is especially designed for State aid experts, who would like to deepen their knowledge into the latest developments and judgements and discuss their own State aid cases. Participants receive a certificate upon participation. Starting from € 1.810,- (excl. VAT) Eventdatum: 01.12.22 – 02.12.22 Eventort: Budapest Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Eventbeschreibung: Lexxion…

Berliner Abfallrechtstage 2022 (Seminar | Online)

Auf den Berliner Abfallrechtstagen informieren führende Experten des deutschen und europäischen Abfallrechts über aktuelle Entwicklungen und die neueste Rechtsprechung im Kreislaufwirtschaftsrecht. Wie in den Vorjahren erwartet die Teilnehmer auch dieses Mal ein vielseitiges Programm mit zahlreichen interessanten Vorträgen zu den aktuellsten Fragestellungen des Rechtsgebietes. Im Anschluss an die Fachvorträge erhalten Sie in zahlreichen Diskussionsrunden die…

Managing Migration Flows in the European Union: AMIF/ISF/BMVI & the IBF (Seminar | Online)

Not only will our intensive hybrid course raise your awareness on how to best implement, manage and control financial instruments for the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (AMIF), the Internal Security Fund (ISF) and the Border Management and Visa Instrument (BMVI). It will also provide you with practical information on how to manage longer-term integration…