Data Dreamland 2022 (Konferenz | Hanover)

Data Dreamland is the perfect event for business and technical oriented participants.
Whether you are new to the field or have a lot of experience, a visit to Data Dreamland is a great way to learn new things, get to know tools, make new contacts, or participate in discussions.
Travel with us to Data Dreamland and explore great opportunities for your business!
This year’s conference is all about:
… how to solve business challenges of various scales, e.g. by using Data Vault.
… to how others have overcome their difficulties and find out what the best approaches are for your business challenges.
… which tools can be helpful, how they work and how they can support you in the best possible way.
… best practices with experts and learn from the mistakes of others to avoid wasting time and money on trial and error yourself.
Join Data Dreamland and explore the many ways you can master your business challenges!
September 13th & 14th, 2022
Hannover, Germany
Tuesday, September 13th:
8:45 Event kick-off
9:00 Keynote: Scott W. Ambler – „Agile Data Warehousing & BI: Addressing the Hard Problems“
10:30 Moritz Heimpel – „Leverage Data Vault in a Data Mesh Architecture: A Siemens Data Story“
12:00 Coalesce
13:00 Lunch break
14:00 Jaffar Ahmad & Marc Finger – „Data Vault is Not Perfect – Why it’s Still The Most Future Proof Methodology“
15:30 Dirk Vermeiren & Jonas de Keuster – „Everything is a Repeatable Pattern“
17:00 Dale Anderson – TBA
19:00 Evening activity
Wednesday, September 14th:
8:45 Welcome session
9:00 Keynote: Francesco Puppini – „Tackling Data Pollution“
10:30 Stephanie Schrader – AXA & Data Vault
12:00 Nykredit – „How to Leverage Wealth Data Modelling Using Data Vault 2.0“
13:00 Lunch break
14:00 WhereScape
15:00 Volker Nürnberg – TBA
16:30 Michael Olschimke – „Fail Hard Fast: Better Learn From The Audience“ (interactive session)
18:00 Official closing
Eventdatum: 13.09.22 – 14.09.22
Eventort: Hanover
Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Eventbeschreibung:
Scalefree International GmbH
Bahnhofstraße 8
30159 Hannover
Telefon: +49 (511) 879-89341
Telefax: +49 (511) 879-89341
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