Monitor your supply chain end to end with the Live Tracking Portal (Webinar | Online)
Whether for process time monitoring or in-depth analysis of a supply chain, live tracking data is becoming increasingly important for the postal and logistics industries. As an integrator, Spectos has been using live tracking data from Kizy for end-to-end quality monitoring and transit time measurements. For this purpose, Spectos has developed a Live Tracking Portal.
The Live Tracking Portal is a new solution for the postal and logistics industry. The central platform allows tracker and panel management and the analysis and visualization of real-time tracking data, for example of test consignments. The Live Tracking Portal makes it even easier to control and enhance supply chain performance!
In the webinar, we will briefly discuss use cases of live tracking data for logistics operations and introduce the Live Tracking Portal to you – tracker management, tracker mission analysis, sensor service, and panel service. Maybe it is the right solution for you?
Simon Eckstein | Spectos GmbH
Bertrand Späth | Kizy Tracking SA
Live webinar | 30 min | free of charge
Please register to join our free webinar. In case you are unable to attend the live session on June 15th at 9 am (CEST), we will gladly share with you the recording and the presentation slides after the event.
Eventdatum: Dienstag, 15. Juni 2021 09:00 – 09:30
Eventort: Online
Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Eventbeschreibung:
Spectos GmbH
Theaterstraße 6
01067 Dresden
Telefon: +49 (351) 320250
Telefax: +49 (351) 465610-42
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