Tentamus Pharma & Med Webinar Series 2020 (Webinar | Online)
In times of COVID-19 we are offering our clients an opportunity to stay connected and informed from the convenience of your labs, homes, or offices. Attend our webinars the weeks of 26th October 2020 until 06th November 2020.
Participate in our webinars, where you’ll get access to expert know-how. Our experts are specialists in their fields of scientific research or routine quality control. You’ll learn about the newest tools and technologies while gathering valuable tips and troubleshooting strategies for the applications most relevant to your processes or products.
You will also get the chance to ask questions about your analytical challenges or specific topics.
Registration & information:
Registration and participation in these webinars is FREE for everyone! Please contact us. Registered participants receive a certificate of participation afterwards.
› Registration will be handled via email at webinar@tentamus.com
To cover different time zones, each session will be held twice, on different days (1x in the morning, 1x in the afternoon).
Please find detailed agenda here: » Flyer «
Save yourself a spot for a certain topic and day within the two weeks from October 26 to November 6 by contacting our team via email. Please also include your full name, company, position, email address and telephone number. You’ll receive a confirmation email and login data to access the webinars.
We’re looking forward to meet you online!
Eventdatum: 26.10.20 – 06.11.20
Eventort: Online
Firmenkontakt und Herausgeber der Eventbeschreibung:
Tentamus Group GmbH
An der Industriebahn 26
13088 Berlin
Telefon: +49 (30) 206038-230
Telefax: +49 (30) 206038-190
Weiterführende Links
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